Why Do Cats Lie on Your Stuff?

If you've lived with a cat, you've almost certainly experienced it. You're reading a magazine, working on a laptop, or slaving over bills when, the next thing you know, your cat is parked, nice and comfy, right on your workspace. Or you got out your daily clothes and laid them on the bed, turned around to grab an accessory, and turned back to find your cat camped out on the nice, clean outfit.
Why do cats like to sit on papers, computers, clothes, and books right when you need them?
Cats Want to Be Near Their People
This goes against what many folks commonly believe about cats, but it's true. Most cats love their humans and want to be near them. So, if you're working on something, your kitty is probably going to be interested in injecting herself right into the thick of things.
Cats Like Attention
Again, though cats are mostly thought of as aloof creatures, most of them do like attention. If you haven't spent enough time loving on or playing interactively with your cat, it's likely that she'll forcefully get between you and the other thing you're trying to do instead.
Cats Love Small Spaces
You've probably noticed that, when faced with both ample space and a tiny enclosed or defined one like a cardboard box or a piece of paper, your cat will often choose to lie on the defined spot. Cats like small spaces innately. That may be because they're warmer and may provide a bit of protection. Learn more: "Why Do Cats Love Small Hiding Spots?"
How to Get Some Work Done
So, is there any way you can convince your kitty to stay off your paperwork, computer, or book so you can complete your task? Maybe.
First, make sure you've spent enough time playing with your cat. Interactive play with a wand toy is best because it satisfies your kitty's instincts to be a hunter.
Give your cat an alternative place to sit and be close to you. For example, if you have a desk where you work on your computer a lot, put a cat tree topped with a bed next to it. Encourage your cat to sit in there by giving praise and treats when she does. Soon, she'll hop up there instead of onto your work.